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TOP 10

Here is a list of my 10 favorite books so far!


Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

PERFECT ENDING TO A PERFECT SERIES!!!!!!! With horrible war comes tragic deaths, so I'm not complaining about the heartbreaking deaths in this book. GREAT JOB SUZANNE COLLINS!!!!!!!!!!! BEST. BOOK. EVER!


The Hunger Games and Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

I can't pick one second favorite in the series, so why not put both?


Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Uncle Rick (Rick Riordan)

This entire series is perfection <3 Therefore I am putting the entire series as my favorite ;)


The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Gawd. I admit it, I cried when Augustus died. How can you not? Amazing story and plot! I love it so much. I fell in love with it the way you fall asleep, slowly and then all at once. Okay?


Divergent series by Veronica Roth

This series really surprised me. I read it early on in 2014 when I first heard of it and fell in love with the story very quickly. 


Greek Gods by Uncle Rick

PERSASSY'S POINT OF VIEW! Hilarious way to learn more about Greek mythology!


The Demigod Files and The Demigod Diaries by Uncle Rick

LOVE THESE MINI STORIES! And...Percy's point of view gives me life ;)


Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell



The Heroes of Olympus by Uncle Rick 

Gotta admit, I like the first series better, but still this was a job well done!


The Fallen Star series and The Fallen Souls series by Jesssica Sorenson 

*gasp* What's this? You ask. Why, this is an amazing yet unpopular series that I love. I read it just after reading The Hunger Games series and it's amazing. Not like any book I've ever read but even when rereading it last year, I still love it! Go read it, the first book is free for kindles on Amazon!

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